# Vue date range picker light
Vue2 date range picker based on https://github.com/dangrossman/bootstrap-daterangepicker with date-fns (no jQuery)
Date range picker component for vue made without jQuery dependency. Heavily inspired by bootstrap-daterangepicker.
# Installation
npm i vue-daterange-picker-light --save
yarn add vue-daterange-picker-light
import to use:
import DateRangePicker from 'vue-daterange-picker-light'
# Usage
Register the component
import DateRangePicker from 'vue-daterange-picker-light'
//you need to import the CSS manually (in case you want to override it)
import 'vue-daterange-picker-light/dist/vue-daterange-picker-light.css'
import { eo } from 'date-fns/locale' // import your locale
export default {
components: { DateRangePicker },
:locale-data="{ locale: eo, format: 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss' }"
:minDate="minDate" :maxDate="maxDate"
<template v-slot:input="picker" style="min-width: 350px;">
{{ picker.startDate | date }} - {{ picker.endDate | date }}
# Example / playground
Override date formatting :
- "classes" - the classes that the component's logic has defined,
- "date" - tha date currently processed.
@return: you should return Vue class object which should be applied to the date rendered.
in the demo this function is used to disable "yesterday" date
# Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
min-date | String, Date | null | minimum date allowed to be selected |
max-date | String, Date | null | maximum date allowed to be selected |
show-week-numbers | Boolean | false | Show the week numbers on the left side of the calendar |
linked-calendars | Boolean | true | Each calendar has separate navigation when this is false |
single-date-picker | Boolean | false | Allows you to select only one date (instead of range). This will hide the ranges with different start/end |
show-dropdowns | Boolean | false | Show the dropdowns for month and year selection above the calendars |
time-picker | Boolean | false | Show the dropdowns for time (hour/minute) selection below the calendars |
time-picker-increment | Number | 5 | Determines the increment of minutes in the minute dropdown |
time-picker24-hour | Boolean | true | Use 24h format for the time |
time-picker-seconds | Boolean | false | Allows you to select seconds except hour/minute |
auto-apply | Boolean | false | Auto apply selected range. If false you need to click an apply button |
locale-data | Object | *see below | Object containing locale data used by the picker. See example below the table |
date-range | undefined | null | This is the v-model prop which the component uses. |
ranges | Object, Boolean | *see below | You can set this to false in order to hide the ranges selection. Otherwise it is an object with key/value. See below |
opens | String | center | which way the picker opens - "center", "left" or "right" |
date-format | Function | function(classes, date) - special prop type function which accepts 2 params: "classes" - the classes that the component's logic has defined, "date" - tha date currently processed. You should return Vue class object which should be applied to the date rendered. | |
always-show-calendars | Boolean | true | *WIP* |
- sample locale data (all values are optional)
import { eo } from 'date-fns/locale' // import your locale
locale: eo, // setting the locale is recommended
direction: 'ltr',
format: 'P', // P is default long format for locales
separator: ' - ',
applyLabel: 'Apply',
cancelLabel: 'Cancel',
weekLabel: 'W',
customRangeLabel: 'Custom Range',
daysOfWeek: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"], // will be obtained from locale if ommitted
monthNames: [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
], // will be obtained from locale if ommitted
firstDay: 1 // will be obtained from locale if ommitted
- default ranges object (set to false to hide ranges)
'Today': [new Date(), new Date()],
'Yesterday': [addDays(new Date(), -1), addDays(new Date(), -1)],
'This month': [startOfMonth(new Date()), endOfMonth(new Date())],
'This year': [startOfYear(new Date()), endOfYear(new Date())],
'Last week': [startOfWeek(addWeeks(new Date(), -1)), endOfWeek(addWeeks(new Date(), -1))],
'Last month': [startOfMonth(addMonths(new Date(), -1)), endOfMonth(addMonths(new Date(), -1))]
# Events
Event | Params | Description |
toggle |
| Emits whenever the picker opens/closes |
update |
| Emits when the user selects a range from the picker and clicks "apply" (if autoApply is true). |
# Slots
Allows you to change the input which is visible before the picker opens @param {Date} startDate - current startDate @param {Date} endDate - current endDate @param {object} ranges - object with ranges
Allows you to change the range @param {Date} startDate - current startDate @param {Date} endDate - current endDate @param {object} ranges - object with ranges
# Miscellaneous
If you want to control the list of years in the calendar dropdown (by default +/- 100 years from current year) you can set minDate & maxDate props. The years list will adapt.